Warwick Mall

Location: Warwick, RI

The Challenge

Sun glare streaming into the mall through the various skylight systems created a problem for vendors and shoppers alike in the mezzanine causing headaches for property management.

WFD installers worked closely with mall management to create access to the glass from the exterior of the building while ensuring safety for visitors directly under the skylight structures.

The Solution

Exterior mounted solar film from 3M with specified edge caulking to provide protection from harsh climate and sun exposure.

Duration: Two weeks

The Result

3M film now rejects 80% of the sun glare and heat gain transferring through the laminated overhead glass creating a more comfortable environment for all shoppers and store owners alike.

Cape Cod Residence

Lacking natural shade, this modern beach home suffered from extensive heat gain and glare during summer months. Maintaining the amazing view of the bay was critical to the owners.

The new construction double-paned windows received a full seal failure and glass breakage insurance policy from 3M after installation.

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