Energy Audits

Building Energy Audit Services

Window Film Depot provides free modeling services to determine the effectiveness of our products on your building. A complex process made easy, we utilize a DOE sanctioned program to audit the energy use of your existing building and compare that with the estimated energy use after our energy saving films have been installed.

Once filling out the form below and submitting to Window Film Depot, the process to quantify the energy savings begins. An energy analysis and payback report can be generated by Window Film Depot in as little as 24 hours and ready for review by your energy management team.

What Our Customers Say

To expand on our earlier conversation. Krissy has been a life saver for us! You have a great one helping us on this and I am attempting to move more business your way because of her excellent communication and execution. I have also sent her name into JLL as a great contact for other JLL projects as well. I am extremely impressed with Window Film Depot.

Rob Mote, Project Manager, Jones Lang LaSalle

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