Cape Cod Residence

Location: Falmouth, Ma.

The Challenge

Lacking natural shade, this modern beach home suffered from extensive heat gain and glare during summer months. Maintaining the amazing view of the bay was critical to the owners.

The new construction double-paned windows received a full seal failure and glass breakage insurance policy from 3M after installation.

The Solution

WFD recommended and installed 3M’s NV 25% solar, IR and UV control window film on over 700 sf of LOW E glass.

Duration:  One day

The Result

This solar film from 3M blocks over 40% of the glare and heat while providing for soft natural light to continue to illuminate the space safely.

Prudential Headquarters

Senior executives on top floors of the new HQ found the heat gain on the west side of the building unbearable in the summer months forcing many to work from home.

Working floor by floor under the guise of NY’s leading General Contractor, StructureTone, this UNION-only project required significant coordination to install film on massive glass panels in an environment bustling with non-s

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