Verizon Retail Stores

Location: All US

The Challenge

Verizon required its contractor to install and then remove seasonal promotional graphics to all of its US based stores over a 10 day period.

Window Film Depot deployed over thirty installation technicians across the US to remove existing and install new seasonal graphics at retail stores. Crews were organized to visit up to 10 stores per day while reporting in real time with completion photos and individual store sign off’s.

The Solution

Mobilize to all US stores to remove existing and reapply new storefront graphics within stated timeline.

Duration: 10 days

The Result

1,100 stores serviced successfully within 10 day requirement.

The Home Depot

Home Depot required all stores to receive new storefront graphics as part of its re-fresh program.

Window Film Depot deployed a dozen work crews to survey, remove and reinstall customer supplied graphics package. Store visits required coordination with store managers to ensure efficiency and minimize store disruption.

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