Sam’s Club

Location: All US

The Challenge

Smash and grab attacks on stores presented a severe safety issue for store employees stocking shelves during the night shift and security window film was tested and approved to help mitigate access into the stores after hours.

Mobilize to all 905 store locations and install security window film after hours in order to reduce any impact to store operations.

The Solution

3M 8 mil security film with Dow 995 anchoring caulk.

Duration: 4 months

The Result

905 stores successfully visited and serviced helping to create more secure stores while protecting employees and inventory from smash and grab crime.

Santander Bank

Existing blinds were in disrepair in many branch locations and Santander design team wanted to modernize by removing blinds and installing solar window film for sun control.

Mobilize to all 800 branch locations, remove  and dispose of existing blinds and install new 3M NV solar window film on all windows experiencing sun glare.

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